After you click the blue button above, log in with your login email and your current password.  These are the same as you have used before.

Then click 'Check Invoices'.  See screenshot below:


Then click the 'Pay Now' button.  See screenshot below:

We are in the process of upgrading our online appraiser search.

*****New Information*****

Updated Appraiser Search: You will be able to add additional information about yourself, your company, any information about what you do, your background and you can add a photo of yourself if you want.

You can access the area to add any additional information by clicking the  'about me' button after you log in.  See screenshot below.


The new directory is not public yet and we anticipate it going live at the end of next month.

If you need assistance, email us at with the additional information you want added to your public online appraiser profile and our staff will take care of it for you.  Your current information from the previous appraiser search results have been transferred to the new search directory of certified appraisers.

We appreciate your patience during this transition.  If you have any questions please email us at